Four Ways to Develop Your Online Identity

It’s 2018 and if you don’t have a well-rounded online presence, you’re missing out on being at the forefront of the ‘digital world’. Here are a few things you can do to improve your online presence by using online platforms.

  • Choose the Right Tool

Blogs, social networks, Facebook, Twitter – which tool will you be most comfortable with? A blog may prove time-consuming and useless if you do not update it regularly. However, it is currently essential to have your profile on LinkedIn, even if you are more active on one network than another. Facebook, meanwhile, can be used for professional purposes provided you carefully manage your profile to avoid a mix between your private and professional life. Finally, Twitter has been shown to be a good signpost to a blog, and effective for sharing information.

  • Settle into the Right Rhythm

With a blog, Facebook or Twitter, a regular presence is better than an intermittent one. On LinkedIn contribute to carefully-selected groups by prioritizing on regularly updated hubs with lots of members. Avoid spreading yourself too thin. When communicating with your contacts, do not use template messages, personalize your exchanges to establish quality links. Communicate about yourself by tweaking your content to your goal of being digitally aligned. Remember to update your profile and continue to update them as there are changes.

  • Monitor

What are people saying about you on the web? Do a quick Google search for your name. For regular updates, use the Google Alerts function. It sends you an email when you are mentioned online.

  • Pay Attention to Your Image

Avoid discussing your private life or others’ in public forums.


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